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Argon is an ideal gas for TIG welding, MIG welding and MAG welding of stainless steel, ferritic or martensitic stainless steel, or aluminium .

The low ionising potential of this high purity, inert gas allows for the easy forming of a welding arc without reacting with the metal components being welded.

Argon is predominantly used as a shielding gas as it forms a good shield due to its high density and total inertness.

When working with thicker materials other gases can be combined with Pureshield Argon to produce a more fluid welding pool.

Categories: , Product ID: 21120


Argon is an ideal gas for TIG welding, MIG welding and MAG welding of stainless steel, ferritic or martensitic stainless steel, or aluminium .

The low ionising potential of this high purity, inert gas allows for the easy forming of a welding arc without reacting with the metal components being welded.

Argon is predominantly used as a shielding gas as it forms a good shield due to its high density and total inertness.

When working with thicker materials other gases can be combined with Pureshield Argon to produce a more fluid welding pool.


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EWN&S Enterprises (Pty) Ltd are suppliers of industrial gases, welding and cutting equipment and consumables, together with a comprehensive range of personal protective equipment and industrial supplies to industry in Gauteng and the Free State.


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1 Jansen Rd, Nuffield, Springs, 1559 

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10 Lavers St, Nigel, 1490

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